Saturday, 17 September 2011

Tribalwars Farming GuideTribalwars Farming Guide

(before i start to get this thing set up can
take upwards of 3 hours, this has to be
done only once, after that you can send
repeat runs in the claimed time =P)
So... .
You have 100k+ points and lots of maxed
resource villages. time to stop farming?
most of you would say yes. I did until I
discovered how to farm of a crazy scale with
minimal effort:
Mellows Intensive farming method:
What you will need:
1. premium
2. a powerfull computer and good internet
connection (im using a duel core intel mac
with 1gb of ram)
3. microsoft word
4. the endurance to set this thing up
firstly select your farms, I just randomly
picked a few hundred grey under 100
pointers, its fastest to use the keyboard
shortcut for open link in new tab and left
click on them, use as many villages as you
want and as many troops as you want, cycle
through each tab and select the troops to
farm with and send them.
(this may take a while)
thats the easy part, now wait till you get
reports, next:
when the first farming reports come in, if
they took a decent haul do the following:
scroll to near the bottom of the report, you
should see "Attack again with the same
troops", right click this link and click "copy
link location" or similar message (it varies
with each browser). paste this into word (im
using pages for mac), now go to the end of
the link and press enter, this will make it
into a hyperlink.
hyperlink each report that comes in and
number them
try to organise it like this:
This list is extremely powerfull but you must
set a few things up before you can use it
correctly, firstly your browser must be set
to "open links in new tab"
secondly you must know the keyboard
shortcut to cycle through tabs for your
default browser (which must be a tabbed
browser) (2 for opera and ctrl page down
for firefox)
Now its time to send a repeat of your
farming run =)
load up TW on your default browser and
simply click each hyperlink, the link should
open in a new tab, go down the list and
click each one, this wont take more than two
minutes. by the end of it all your farms
should be on the click to send screen on
each of many tabs youve just opened on
one window, now cycle through each tab
with your keyboard shortcut and send each
farming run, just like sending a same second
noble train using opera (but slower of
course )

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